Next Steps
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.

No one uses this term today but everyone knows that we are in debt. Even those who say there is no God know they are in debt. This debt has been paid in full by Jesus Christ. He paid it in full when He died on the cross and rose from the grace.
We are save by GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) through faith (which is a gift) in Christ (the only Savior). And all of this ALONE. Everything is God’s doing. Everything is a gift.
Just receive the Gift. Just enjoy the Gift. Just be changed by the Gift. Check out the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s FAQ page regarding Salvation (and more!) by clicking the Learn More button.
Baptism is God’s work to make us His children. He chooses us. We do not choose Him. Baptism is the entrance into a relationship with God through Christ. It is what he does for us, not what we do for Him.. If you’ve never been baptized, baptism is your first step! Please reach out to Pastor Heidorn if you wish to be baptized. Check out the FAQ’s from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod regarding baptism by clicking below.

Care & Prayer
Since God cares about every single person, so do we. It’s our privilege to assist as we are able. We will pray with you. We will help as possible. We will reflect Jesus in all we do. We are here for the community and every person in it.
Connect With a Group
We are not alone in our walk with Christ, but instead are called to come together with other Christians for prayer, worship and fellowship. We invite you to connect with us more closely by checking out our different groups. We have several different groups to be involved in. Most of our groups are centered around Bible study in prayer. We also have fellowship & crafting groups. Please check with the church office about what groups are currently meeting and how you can get involved.

Serving is a natural extension on our faith. We know what Christ has done for us out of love, and therefor we want to serve His Church and others. We have several different opportunities to serve at Faith, including: Reading, Ushering, Serving on Boards, Altar Guild, Care Share, and more. If you are wanting to serve in an area but are unsure how to get started or involved, please contact the church office and we will help point you in the right direction.
We believe that reaching out with the Good News of Jesus is our calling as Christians. As such we partner with other organizations to make the most impact.
Lutheran Woman’s Missionary League– also know as LWML
and of course our synod LCMS and their mission and outreach.
Thank you for your prayers on behalf of these as well as any support God moves you to provide.

Next STeps
We Gather Every Sunday
Sundays 4:30pm
Plan Your Visit
We would love to have you visit with us. We have changed our service times to 4:30pm on Sundays with Sunday School and Adult Bible Class at 3:30pm during the school year. If you wish to take Holy Communion, please speak with an elder prior to service.
Sunday School
Sunday School (for children ages 3 and up) and Adult Bible class are at 3:30pm during the school year.
(with a break at Christmas)