Watch & Read

Sunday Sermons are recorded and post to our YouTube Account. Also, check out Pastor's Daily Encouragements on YouTube also.

Current Series

Sunday  Morning Adult Bible Class

We will be studying Martin Luther, the Reformation and the Lutheran Confession in our Sunday Adult Bible Class.  

Tuesday Class

Starting September 6 at 6:30pm, we will begin our Adult Instruction Class, called Life with God, for those wanting to know more about the Christian Faith, particularly what it means to be a Lutheran.  Everyone is welcome, even long time Lutherans who just want a refresher.   

Wednesday Class

Starting September 7 at 6:30pm, we will resume our Adult Small Group Bible Study called Growing in Christ. Webster defines the word grow to mean, “to spring up and develop to maturity.” The purpose of this course is to help maturity in Christ to develop. All adults are invited to join us. This class will be on pause during Advent and Christmas.



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