Adult Ministries
Core Objectives
Our ministries for adults have two objectives:
Receive the love of God for our benefit.
Share the love of God for our neighbor’s benefit.
Latest Message
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Bible Study Groups
These are groups of any size who study the Bible together; limited term or ongoing. Groups of this type include:
Sermon for September 12, 2021
Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon for September 5, 2021
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sermon for August 22, 2021
The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon for August 15, 2021
Here is the sermon from guest pastor Rev James Glowinski for the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon for August 8, 2021
“Living as the Children of the Light” Sermon by guest pastor Rev George Rakos Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon for August 2, 2021
Here is Pastor Heidorn's Sermon for the 10th Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon for July 25, 2021
From the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. The sermon text was using the epistle lesson for this day, Ephesians chapter 3. May you also be blessed with the hymn we sang before the sermon...
Sermon for July 18, 2021
Sermon for July 11, 2021
Sermon for July 4, 2021
The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost.
Service Groups
These are groups whose relationship is primarily related to a service, task, role, or position they fulfill; any size or meeting interval. Groups of this type include:
Groups to get involved with at Faith
LWML LWML stands for Lutheran Women's Missionary League. This is a synod wide organization with our local chapter. Their relationship is primarily because of a service, task, role, or position they fulfill. They focus on service projects, missionary and mission...
This is a group whose relationship is primarily because of a service, task, role, or position they fulfill. They focus on service projects, missionary and mission support, and providing meals for member families as needed. –Dolores Butler 235-7292
Provide childcare on Sunday mornings –April Dixon 235-7600
Offering Counters
Weekly recording of offerings –April Dixon 235-7600
Sunday Morning Musician
Accompanist for the service. Could be pianist, organist, acoustic guitarist or another instrument at the discretion of the church leadership. –Gretchen 235-7600
Care Share
Helping with Sunday morning worship and fellowship. Includes Greeters, Ushers, Acolytes, Lectors, Projector Operator, and Snack Providers –April Dixon 235-7600
Altar Guild
Preparing Holy Communion and altar care for Sunday’s service. Can be done Saturday afternoon/evening or Sunday morning –April Dixon 235-7600
Bulletin Assembly Team
This team works to assemble the bulletins each week. We meet as needed in the church office on Fridays. Contact April Dixon for more info 235-7600 (Interest form?)
Worship Committee
This committee works with Pastor to select music for church services and schedules musicians.
Care Groups
Whether it is care for people or care for church property, these groups help with both.
Groups to get involved with at Faith
LWML LWML stands for Lutheran Women's Missionary League. This is a synod wide organization with our local chapter. Their relationship is primarily because of a service, task, role, or position they fulfill. They focus on service projects, missionary and mission...
Church Properties Committee
Care for church building and church property –Merlin Cordes 299-0303
Grass Cutters
Taking care of the church grounds -Merlin Cordes 299-0303
Taking care of flowers inside and outside the church building, April Dixon 235-7600
Friday Craft Group
Fridays at 10 a.m. – Make quilts for missionary work and congregational events, work on personal projects together, visit –April Dixon 235-7600
Parish Activities Committee
Provide meals and make arrangements for congregation activities, provide meals for funerals –Carol Clark 235-8438